独特のバランスポジションを多く持つスペイン代表のBMXライダー。ユニークなライディングと大らかなキャラクターにより世界中にファンがいる。A Spanish BMX rider with many unique balance positions. His unique riding style and generous personality have earned him fans all over the world.
フリースタイルフットボールFreestyle football
世界ランク2位。現アジア王者。2015年に、競技歴3年ながら日本一のタイトルを獲得しその名を業界に轟かすと、その後も国内外数多くの大会でタイトルを獲得。クロスボディという技のジャンルを確立したパイオニアでもある。近年ではクリエイティブの制作にも広く取り組む他、モデルやディレクターとしてもマルチに活躍。フリースタイルフットボールの持つ可能性を世界に提示し続けるアスリートであり、アーティストである。Ranked 2nd in the world. Current Asian champion. In 2015, he won the title of number one in Japan even though he had only been competing for three years, making his name known in the industry, and since then he has won titles in numerous competitions both domestically and internationally. He is also a pioneer in establishing the crossbody technique genre. In recent years, in addition to working extensively on creative production, he has also been active as a model and director. He is an athlete and artist who continues to show the world the possibilities of freestyle football.
フリースタイルバスケットボールFreestyle basketball
・シルクドソレイユ オーディション合格
・世界の果てまでイッテQ出演 など・For 16 years as a civil servant in the Cabinet Office
・Passed the Cirque du Soleil audition
・Won Guinness World Records 6 times
・Las Vegas “vivafest 2019” winner
・Online Circus 2021 Special Award
・Appeared on TBS All Star Thanksgiving 2022
・Itte Q appearance to the ends of the world, etc.
ブレイクダンスBreak dance
数多のアーティストのバックダンサー、CM、舞台、振り付け、テーマパークダンサーなど活躍後 単身渡米、NYにてダンスを学んだ後、ラスベガスにてCirque du Soleil のオーディションに参加し合格、日本人初のブレイクダンサーとして正式契約、アメリカのディズニーワールドにある作品、La Noubaにロングラン出演。日本に帰国後は日本、海外でのテレビパフォーマンス出演や舞台出演など精力的に活躍中。
After working as a backup dancer for numerous artists, in commercials, on stage, as a choreographer, and as a theme park dancer, he moved to the United States alone, studied dance in New York, and then auditioned for Cirque du Soleil in Las Vegas and passed, becoming the first Japanese to have a break. Officially contracted as a dancer and made a long-running appearance in La Nouba, a production at Disney World in the United States. After returning to Japan, she has been active in TV performances and stage appearances both in Japan and overseas.
シルホイールCyr wheel
サーカスアーティストとして企業イベント、テーマパーク、舞台、アーティストのツアーなど様々な分野で活動中。シルクドソレイユからのオファーも受けたこともある。ラートの世界大会において銀メダル獲得の経験もあり。As a circus artist, he is active in various fields such as corporate events, theme parks, stages, and artist tours. He also received an offer from Cirque du Soleil. He also has the experience of winning a silver medal at the world championships in Lato.
フリースタイルスケートボードFreestyle Skateboard
フリースタイルスケートボードFreestyle Skateboard
千葉市スポーツ功労者表彰(2021年度、2023年度)As a professional skateboarder, he work to popularize the genre of freestyle skateboarding, which is competed only on flat surfaces, through practice sessions, schools, and demonstrations.
2nd place in the world amateur class (May 2023)
All Japan Tournament Professional Class 2nd place (April 2024)
Chiba City Sports Merit Award (2021, 2023)
フリースタイルスケートボードFreestyle skateboard
藤井 雅博Fujii Aniフジイアニ
スケートボードと平地のみでトリックを追求するスタイルで活動中。マスターズプロ世界大会2020/2021で優勝。世界にフリースタイルを広めた人アワード2018受賞。現在はフリースタイルスケートボードの普及活動をWeb,SNS,リアルな練習会などで継続して実践中He pursues tricks using only skateboards and flat surfaces. He won the Masters Pro World Tournament 2020/2021. He won the 2018 Person Who Spread Freestyle Award to the World. Currently, we are continuing to promote freestyle skateboarding through the web, SNS, and real-life practice sessions.
BMXフラットランドBMX flatland
井谷 雅Masashi Itani井谷 雅
アラウンドザワールドを始めとした高難度のグライド系が持ち味。IT企業で働きながらプロライダーとしてコンテストやショーに精力的に参加。JFBF全日本選手権5位 (2019年) 、FISE広島 UCI WorldCup準決勝進出14位 (2018年) 等、国内および世界大会でも活躍。フルタイムワーカーの世界チャンピオンを自負している。His specialty is high-difficulty gliding, including around the world. While working at an IT company, he actively participates in contests and shows as a professional rider. He has been active in domestic and international tournaments, including 5th place at the JFBF All Japan Championship (2019) and 14th place, advancing to the semifinals of the FISE Hiroshima UCI World Cup (2018). He considers himself the world champion of full-time workers.
BMXフラットランドBMX flatland
佐々木 元Moto Sasaki佐々木 元
2022年 UCI World Championships 1位。現世界チャンピオン。全日本では実に18回の優勝経験を誇り、10年以上に渡りBMXフラットランドのトップを走り続けている。2022 UCI World Championships 1st place. Current world champion. He has won the All Japan Championship 18 times and has been at the top of the BMX flatland race for over 10 years.
大内美里沙Mirisa Ohuchi大内美里沙
小山 将生Masaki Koyama小山 将生
新陰流協会 代表師範:小山将生Shinkage-ryu Association Representative Instructor: Masao Koyama.
小山将生、末岡志保美Masao Koyama, Shihomi Sueoka小山将生、末岡志保美
新陰流協会 代表師範:小山将生
新陰流協会 準師範:末岡志保美Shinkage-ryu Association Representative Instructor: Masao Koyama.
Shinkage-ryu Association Associate Master: Shihomi Sueoka.
コンテンポラリーダンスContemporary dance
工藤史皓Fumiaki Kudo工藤史皓
コンテンポラリーダンスContemporary dance
工藤史皓、田中朝子Fumiaki Kudo, Asako Tanaka工藤史皓、田中朝子
田中朝子:全国舞踊コンクール第一位受賞多数。バランスのとれた美しい肢体から繰り出されるダイナミックでいて繊細なムーブメントには定評がある。近年ではジャンルに捕らわれず、異ジャンルのアーティストや映像技術などとの積極的なコラボレーションを通じ、新しい表現を追求し続けているダンサー、振付家である。Fumiaki Kudo: Started dancing with his mother, Sayoko Suzu, at the age of 2, and continues to dance to this day. He specializes in supple and dynamic movements, and studies unique pauses and dances that are slow and slow, without being bound by conventional patterns. He releases his own choreographed works every year and also produces videos.
Asako Tanaka: Winner of first place in many national dance competitions. She has a reputation for the dynamic yet delicate movements that she performs from her beautiful, well-balanced body. In recent years, she is a dancer and choreographer who continues to pursue new forms of expression through active collaboration with artists of different genres and video technology, without being bound by genre.
木本登史Takafumi Kimoto木本登史
自身が制作、出演した「オタクパルクール」はYouTubeで300万回以上再生。デンマークのパルクール学校に留学したのち、愛知にパルクールパークを設立。現役のアスリートとしても活動しつつ、自身でも大会やイベントを運営している。11 years of parkour experience
Parkour athlete based in Nagoya. He has won four national championships in parkour speed running. His best result at the world championships was 7th place.
"Otaku Parkour," which he produced and appeared in, has been viewed more than 3 million times on YouTube. After studying at a parkour school in Denmark, he established a parkour park in Aichi. While working as an active athlete, he also organizes competitions and events himself.
末岡志保美Shihomi Sueoka末岡志保美
2017.07 『Woman’s SHAPE&Sports』Vol.15(フィットスポーツ)
2017〜2020 武道マスターズLIVE(SPORTEC)
2018.11 『女子の居合道プログラム』(体育とスポーツ出版社)
2018.12 『その他の人に会ってみた』(TBS)
2021.04 『ニッポンぶらり鉄道旅』(BS日テレ)
2021.12 『おうちで居合道』(体育とスポーツ出版社) Associate master of the Shinkage-ryu Association. She is a lecturer at Yomiuri Culture School's "Easy Iaido" and "Children's Iaido", as well as the online course "Iaido at Home". She has many students both domestically and internationally. The story of how to aim for the person you want to be while learning techniques handed down from the samurai era has been featured in magazines, television, and other media, and has received a great response.
⚫︎Performance and publication history
2017.07 “Woman’s SHAPE&Sports” Vol.15 (Fit Sports)
2017-2020 Martial Arts Masters LIVE (SPORTEC)
2018.11 “Women’s Iaido Program” (Taiku to Sports Publishing)
2018.12 “I met other people” (TBS)
2021.04 “Japanese Railway Journey” (BS Nippon TV)
2021.12 “Iaido at home” (Taiku to Sports Publishing)
アクション・スタントAction stunt
杉口秀樹Hideki Sugiguchi杉口秀樹
仮面ライダーウィザード スーツアクター・XMAコーディネーター
https://www.youtube.com/c/MotionActorIncRepresentative Director of Motion Actor Co., Ltd.
Motion actor/action coordinator/director
(Former stuntman)
Representative work
Dragon Quest VII, Final Fantasy 7 Remake, NieR:Automata, Metal Gear Rising/Sengoku Musou series/Ryu ga Gotoku
Kamen Rider Wizard Suit Actor/XMA Coordinator
He has various know-how for connecting reality and virtual reality.
In order to support each project, we are providing material videos in four directions.
タップダンスTap dance
村田 正樹Masaki Murata村田 正樹
高校からストリートダンスを始め、その後TAP DANCEの世界へ。ジャンルを問わず活動中。
SAI DANCE FESTIVAL2019ソロ部門優秀賞受賞。デトロイトダンスシティフェスティバル2021招聘。福岡ダンスフリンジフェスティバル海外招聘複数受賞。第19回東京ヘブンアーティスト。Started street dancing in high school, then entered the world of TAP DANCE. He is active regardless of genre.
He received the SAI DANCE FESTIVAL 2019 Solo Category Excellence Award. He was invited to the Detroit Dance City Festival 2021. He has won multiple overseas invitations to the Fukuoka Dance Fringe Festival. He is the 19th Tokyo Heaven Artist.
BMXフラットランドBMX flatland
池田 貴広Takahiro Ikeda池田 貴広
BMXフリースタイル・フラットランドのプロライダーとして世界23ヵ国で活躍。国際大会優勝、高速スピンのギネス世界記録の樹立、シルクドゥソレイユ世界ツアー出演を経て日本に凱旋。オリジナルの回転技「IKE SPIN」を武器に世界へ挑戦し続けるアーティスト・アスリート。BMXチームCYCLENT代表取締役。Active as a professional BMX freestyle flatland rider in 23 countries around the world. He made a triumphant return to Japan after winning an international tournament, setting a Guinness World Record for high-speed spin, and appearing on the Cirque du Soleil world tour. He is an artist and athlete who continues to challenge the world with his original spinning technique "IKE SPIN". Representative director of BMX team CYCLENT.
BMXフラットランドBMX flatland
田中 光太郎Kotaro Tanaka田中 光太郎
日本を代表する BMX ライダーとして国内外問わず数々の戦歴を残す。
その経験を生かし現在は UCI (国際自転車競技連合)公式審査員として活動。
TOKYO2020 OLYMPIC では東京 2020 五輪組織委員会のメンバーとして参加。As one of Japan's leading BMX riders, he has many accomplishments both domestically and internationally.
Utilizing that experience, he is currently working as an official judge for the UCI (International Cycling Union).
He participated in the TOKYO 2020 OLYMPIC as a member of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Organizing Committee.
コンテンポラリーダンスContemporary dance
田中朝子Asako Tanaka田中朝子
全国舞踊コンクール第一位受賞多数。バランスのとれた美しい肢体から繰り出されるダイナミックでいて繊細なムーブメントには定評がある。近年ではジャンルに捕らわれず、異ジャンルのアーティストや映像技術などとの積極的なコラボレーションを通じ、新しい表現を追求し続けているダンサー、振付家である。Many first place winners in national dance competitions. She has a reputation for the dynamic yet delicate movements that are performed from her beautifully balanced body. In recent years, she is a dancer and choreographer who continues to pursue new forms of expression through active collaboration with artists of different genres and video technology, without being bound by genre.
BMXフラットランドBMX flatland
田圓 尚人Naoto Tamaru田圓 尚人
2014年アメリカでの世界大会VooDooJAM 6位。現在は神奈川県寒川町のThe Parkにて
パーク運営と子供達への指導を行っている。He has been active as a performer in the UAE for two years since 2013, and actively participates in international competitions.
6th place at the 2014 VooDooJAM World Championship in America. Currently at The Park in Samukawa-cho, Kanagawa Prefecture.
He manages the park and teaches the children.
新体操Rhythmic gymnastics
神谷梨帆Riho Kamiya神谷梨帆
新体操の経験を活かした軟体技と、新体操競技にはない複数のフラフープを使ったパフォーマンスが魅力。She started rhythmic gymnastics when she was a child, and during her active years, she was one of the top athletes in the country, winning prizes at the All Japan Championships.
Currently, she is active both domestically and internationally, focusing on hula hoop, performing rhythmic gymnastics, and teaching rhythmic gymnastics.
His soft body techniques, which utilize his experience in rhythmic gymnastics, and his performances using multiple hula hoops, which are not found in rhythmic gymnastics competitions, are attractive.
日本の伝統文化である「書」を、絵、彫刻、メディアアートへと昇華させ、文字に内包される感情や理を引き出す。その作品は唯一無二の現代アートであり、日本の思想や文化を世界に発信している。Calligrapher/Artist/Professor at Osaka University of Arts
She sublimates calligraphy, a traditional Japanese culture, into paintings, sculptures, and media art, drawing out the emotion and logic contained in the written word. Her works are unique contemporary art, transmitting Japanese thought and culture to the world.
BMXフラットランドBMX flatland
荘司ゆうYu Shoji荘司ゆう
前輪から後輪へ飛び移るトランスファー系の技を得意とする2002年生まれの若手BMXライダー。2021年 JapanCup 5位。BMXパフォーマーとして東京オリンピック閉会式に参加。これからさらなる活躍が期待される。A young BMX rider born in 2002 who specializes in transfer techniques that involve jumping from the front wheel to the rear wheel. 2021 Japan Cup 5th place. He participated in the closing ceremony of the Tokyo Olympics as a BMX performer. We look forward to seeing more of him in the future.
長坂 綾Aya Nagasaka長坂 綾
2018年世界大会優勝。1998年生まれ。最近は活動の幅を広げCirque de Soleilでも活躍中。2018 World Championship Winner. Born in 1998. Recently, he has expanded the range of his activities and is also active in Cirque de Soleil.